The Trader

This statue stands outside the Edmonton Public Library. Called "The Trader" it commemorates the pioneering history of the city. In the 1790s, Fort Edmonton was established as one of the northerly trading posts of the Hudson's Bay Company.

I enjoyed sketching this on a hot, sunny day.

(More sketches in the blog archive in the right column)

Downtown Edmonton

I visited Edmonton for a media conference. This is a view of part of the downtown area, looking north along 99th Street. The building on the left with the pyramid and the tall tower is Edmonton City Hall. The wavy-shaped building across the street from it is the Art Gallery of Alberta, designed by Randall Stout.

To get a better sense of the Art Gallery, click on this link to see a photo taken from ground level.


A fellow passenger on the plane heading to Edmonton.

Some previous sketches on similar themes:

Dusk at Kitsilano Beach

People enjoy relaxing on this beach during the day and also after the sun goes down. The big old logs provide convenient and natural seats and backrests.

I tried this one with a thick ink pen and marker.

Lady Gaga

Watching CNN's Larry King interview singer Lady Gaga a while ago, I thought I'd try a little sketch of her as she stared into the camera. In the conversation, she talked about how she's a big fan of Michael Jackson's music and also an admirer of Madonna.
On this day, she certainly seemed to borrow aspects of their look.

You can see an excerpt of the interview here:

Lady Gaga interviewed by Larry King

(To see more drawings, check out the blog archive on the right)

Bridge on a cloudy day

This is a view of the Granville Bridge, looking northwest from 7th Avenue. Typically for Vancouver, we've had a lot of overcast days in recent weeks. Sketching outdoors often requires dodging raindrops. The bridge and the traffic, as seen from this side of False Creek, seem to my eyes to get swallowed up by the condominium towers of Yaletown.

For a different perspective (from under the bridge), see this earlier post, found here.